Camus' Blog

Prompt 1

After completing the readings and finished comprehending the three learning methods, it was interesting to see how they were applied into my life. It was very cool to see how significant people in my life used the different strategies.



Behaviourists believe in feedback and reinforcements to shape their learners. I have witnessed this a lot in my experiences with coaches. I played and was surrounded by football for years of my life, leading me to be around a lot of coaches. These coaches ran the players through drills and gave us homework which they figured out was the best reinforcements to our success on the field. Some examples of this were selected game tape and unique drills that would help us identify on field scenarios. This approach gave myself and many of the players on my team a good foundation of work ethic.



A lot of school teachers I have had are cognitivists. Cognitivists help the learners uncover and use appropriate learning strategies while also helping them make connections to their prior knowledge. Most teachers I had were good at helping the kids understand and use the tools available that would allow them to succeed. This was seen through textbooks, computers, and communication with other classmates. They would also connect theories and principals taught in previous years to the current information and expand on it. A lot of this was seen in math classes and science classes I took like physics, where you would expand on lesson and rules learnt in the previous years.



A good example of constructivists would be parents or guardians. A constructivist lets the learner make their own meaning and interpretation through experience and interaction. My parents did this by signing me up for sports when I was younger, and keeping my mind active by taking me to science centers and zoos. This allowed me to create my own understanding of social interactions, and my own mindset around the world, morality, consciousness, and science.

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